Tuesday, June 19, 2012


My planet is what I called the “ATTIC”
There lie all the wonderful things about me…
My books, my radio, my guitar…
My big soft pillow and an almost cloud-like blanket…
The almost perfect painting of a view on my window
where I can take a glance over the green fields
and the hills and the mountain side every morning.

It’s such a nice feeling to wake up having those things around me.
BUT why do I feel so insatiable?
I long for the things that are far from my own reality
My mom would think I’m getting crazy…
She would asked, “why in the world would I want to boxed myself in that small hole?”

They don’t realize that in that small hole lies my universe.
It had a lot of secret though!
It keeps my deepest secrets..
It knows all the things I hide
It holds all the pains in me
When I bleed with self inflicted pain
When I cried out of desperation
When I compose my own song!

I’m at the peak of my temperament
Melancholic BUT never apathetic!

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